
Rabobank Dev Ops Engineer

Dev Ops Engineer



Dev Ops Engineer



Uren per week

36 uren per week


31.10.2022 - 30.10.2023




date-icon06.12.2022 clock-icon14:00
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Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken


Job Description
You're responsible for the availability, performance, and stability of self-hosted AzureDevOps Agents that are used by 400+ Rabobank development teams across the world.

Maintaining multiple VMSS-hosted AzureDevOps agent pools and several AKS Clusters running containerized AzureDevOps agents is included in your responsibilities.

As part of your day-to-day work you:
• Actively develop and improve Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) systems on which AzureDevOps agent runs
• Participate in different technology-stack communities to better understand the needs, trends, and future requirements of the agent images
• Assist other engineering teams with questions about creating or improving their pipelines
• Create solutions that are scalable and low maintenance through standardization and automation.
• Troubleshoot AKS clusters and docker containers
• Maintain and develop scripts for managing our infrastructure, configurations, and gathering metrics (for this we mainly use Powershell, Bash, Bicep, AzureCLI, Azure Functions, and YAML Pipelines)
• Explain (technical) implementations, providing advice and guidance to others within and without the team.
Every team member is end-to-end responsible for all products in our portfolio.

Soft Skills

• Fluent in English (Dutch is a pre)
• Communicate with stakeholders and other engineers across all skill levels
• Transparent Communication
• Effectively present an argument or advocate an idea

• Desire to improve yourself and the team
• Open to receiving and processing feedback
• Ability to listen to others
• Pair-programming

Work Ethics
• Adaptable to change
• Eager to learn
• Work independently and together as a team

Hard Skills

Hands-on Experience:
• AKS and Docker
• AzureDevOps Pipelines and Work Item Management
• Powershell and Bash
• Linux and Windows servers

• C#
• Azure Functions
• PowerBI
• Bicep


Bedrijfs gegevens


Rolomschrijving en taakafspraken


Job Description
You're responsible for the availability, performance, and stability of self-hosted AzureDevOps Agents that are used by 400+ Rabobank development teams across the world.

Maintaining multiple VMSS-hosted AzureDevOps agent pools and several AKS Clusters running containerized AzureDevOps agents is included in your responsibilities.

As part of your day-to-day work you:
• Actively develop and improve Windows and Linux (Ubuntu) systems on which AzureDevOps agent runs
• Participate in different technology-stack communities to better understand the needs, trends, and future requirements of the agent images
• Assist other engineering teams with questions about creating or improving their pipelines
• Create solutions that are scalable and low maintenance through standardization and automation.
• Troubleshoot AKS clusters and docker containers
• Maintain and develop scripts for managing our infrastructure, configurations, and gathering metrics (for this we mainly use Powershell, Bash, Bicep, AzureCLI, Azure Functions, and YAML Pipelines)
• Explain (technical) implementations, providing advice and guidance to others within and without the team.
Every team member is end-to-end responsible for all products in our portfolio.

Soft Skills

• Fluent in English (Dutch is a pre)
• Communicate with stakeholders and other engineers across all skill levels
• Transparent Communication
• Effectively present an argument or advocate an idea

• Desire to improve yourself and the team
• Open to receiving and processing feedback
• Ability to listen to others
• Pair-programming

Work Ethics
• Adaptable to change
• Eager to learn
• Work independently and together as a team

Hard Skills

Hands-on Experience:
• AKS and Docker
• AzureDevOps Pipelines and Work Item Management
• Powershell and Bash
• Linux and Windows servers

• C#
• Azure Functions
• PowerBI
• Bicep

De recruiter

Bart Bult


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